Saketa Idea Board - PRO


(14 ocjene)

The New Gen Innovation Hub

Saketa is the award winner for the "Overall Best Office App" Award at the MS Ignite 2018 and "The Best User Interface" Award winner in MS Ignite 2016 and finalists in the People's choice category at MS Ignite 2016 and European SharePoint Conference 2017.

We are specialists at bringing several business and IT functions to your SharePoint /Azure environment as plug and play Apps. We take pride in building intuitive products that are easy to use and highly configurable/customizable to scale to business specific needs. All our products are SharePoint Online and On-premises SharePoint 2013 / SharePoint 2016 / SharePoint 2019 compatible.

Saketa Idea board - PRO is a smart and innovative platform to share ideas with everyone in an organization and collaborate to evolve. Developed as a SharePoint add-in that can be hosted in your environment, this innovation or idea management tool is compatible with both SharePoint Online O365 and 2013/2016/2019 On-premise versions and is a plug and play, self-manageable. Just install, activate and its ready to use.

Saketa Idea Board - PRO with a modern user experience will help with encouraging and recognizing/appreciating/rewarding the innovations and ideas from within a team and improve the bonding and trust among the members. "Top Contributors" and "Popular Ideas" are specially showcased for better visibility and collaboration. Perfectly organized Dashboard that displays only approved ideas comes with several cool collaboration features such as likes, comments, favorites and share.

The easy search and preset filtered views, the configurable idea boxes to categorize your ideas, tagging of ideas for easy retrieval and the idea-box thought leaders promoting the ideas to reach its glory (Hall of Fame) are all the features that make this a great start for idea management. The user interface is responsive to adapt to your devices.

Enjoy a 30-day free trial of this add-in to explore its features and how it can bring a difference in ideation. Reach us at Sales @ for a demo, purchase or any additional queries. We also provide customizations on this to suit your business needs.

Visit our website for a complete portfolio of our products and offerings.

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