Intermedia AnyMeeting

autor Intermedia.Net, Inc.

Start a meeting instantly, or schedule an appointment and invite others, directly from Outlook!

Use the Intermedia AnyMeeting Outlook Add-in to improve your productivity when scheduling online meetings. Once click access to start a meeting instantly, or schedule an appointment and invite others. Easily connect your audio with conference call or VoIP, share your webcam for an engaging video conversation, share your screen or slides, and much more. AnyMeeting offers:

  • Video Conferencing with up to 12 webcams
  • Screen Sharing
  • Meeting Recordings
  • Conference Bridge for up to 200 attendees
  • Attendee controls, Chat, Meeting Notes
  • Much more...

Install the AnyMeeting Outlook Add-in to improve your meeting experience today!

This add-in requires an active AnyMeeting account. Sign up for a free trial here:

Mogućnosti aplikacije

Kada se ova aplikacija koristi, ona
  • Može slati podatke putem interneta
  • Ova aplikacija može pristupati osobnim podacima u aktivnoj poruci, kao što su tijelo, predmet, pošiljatelj, primatelji i informacije o privicima i mijenjati ih. Aplikacija može te podatke poslati servisu drugog davatelja. Ostale stavke u poštanskom sandučiću nije moguće čitati ni mijenjati.

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