SPS Divider
autor M365-Solutions
Add web part divider on the page which will allow user to give gap between 2 web parts.
SPS Divider web part, which allows user to add horizontal gap with great visual images & lines between 2 web parts. Users can use this web part to show some horizontal space with some visual effects.
Now add the first web part and then just below of the web part, add SPS Divider web part. Now add another web part just below the SPS Divider web part.
Here we are providing the 15 best layouts which show information very efficiently on the web part.
So the user can select any suitable layout to show division between 2 web parts.
We have following web part sections & properties: -
1. Web Part Settings
a. Width in % - User can resize the width of visual line & image. Default value is 80%
b. Color – User can use their own choice color here. You need to add HEX code of color i.e. #2596be
c. Image URL – You have put image URL here to show. This image URL can be used in layout # 5, 9 & 15.
d. Text – User can use this property to show text in layout # 14
2. Web Part Layout
a. Select layout number – With this option, the user can select any layout from 1 to 15.
3. App Version Information
Here we are showing information about the app version , solution version, manifest version, Help & Support email.
4. License
In this section, we are showing information about licenses.
Get full help for this web part : https://spssolutions.github.io/SPSSolutions/divider.html
For any support : gauravgoyal_5@yahoo.com