Darktrace Communicator

autor Darktrace

Streamline your cybersecurity Incident Management with simple, efficient communication.


Darktrace delivers autonomous, always-on cyber security in a continuous feedback loop, relying on Self-Learning AI technology that understands each business, delivering bespoke solutions based on full visibility into the digital ecosystem.

With Darktrace's Cyber AI Loop, organizations are protected across every stage of the attack life cycle. Four AI-powered product families – PREVENT, DETECT, RESPOND, and HEAL – operate wherever you need them across the entire digital ecosystem, whether on external data, or internally in cloud infrastructure or applications, email systems, endpoints, the corporate network or industrial systems.


Simplify your Incident Management communications across the business to keep stakeholders in the know and save valuable time during incident remediation and recovery.


Preconfigure your channel members to save time and avoid leaving out key players or including the wrong team members. This includes First Responder users, who need to actively collaborate to manage the incident, and Extended Responder users, like Legal, executives, or Corporate Affairs, who need periodic or less technical updates to stay in the know.


Add detailed incident information to the Microsoft Teams channel directly from the Darktrace interface, including logs, alerts, and PDF Full Incident Reports.

Share details, request approvals, and provide updates to any stakeholders, regardless of their Darktrace access.


Connect your Darktrace instance to your Microsoft Teams tenant, allowing dedicated Teams channels to be created with one click from the Darktrace interface.

Bot capabilities:

- Organize Teams chats using the Darktrace platform

- Upload incident reports from Darktrace to chat participants

- Notify users of Darktrace incidents

- Forward messages to Darktrace by tagging the bot


Not currently a customer?

This app is built to work with a Darktrace deployment, therefore you would need a valid Darktrace DETECT and HEAL license. You can sign up for a Demo and Trial on the [Darktrace website](

Existing customers

If you are a Darktrace customer and are looking for some help with setup, it's always a good idea to visit the [Darktrace Customer Portal]( for documentation or contact your Darktrace representative for assistance getting set up.

To get up and running quickly, you can:

1) Log in to your Darktrace deployment, navigate to System Config > Modules

2) Locate "Darktrace Communicator" configuration tile and click on it

3) Enter Team and Tenant IDs that you wish to use Darktrace Communicator with and hit "Synchronize"

4) Once set up you should be able to open any Darktrace Incident from the threat tray, navigate to communications centre and select \"Teams\" as the communications method.

NOTE: Darktrace Communicator requires an active Darktrace HEAL license to operate. Please speak with your Darktrace representative for more licensing information. If you wish to start a product trial please visit the Darktrace website and sign up for a demo.

Mogućnosti aplikacije

Kada se ova aplikacija koristi, ona
  • Može slati podatke putem interneta
  • Ova aplikacija može pristupati osobnim podacima u aktivnoj poruci, kao što su telefonski brojevi, poštanske adrese ili URL-ovi. Aplikacija može te podatke poslati servisu drugog davatelja. Ostale stavke u poštanskom sandučiću nije moguće čitati ni mijenjati.

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