Webcoda - Knowledge Hub


Establish a centralized, searchable, and secure SharePoint knowledge management system

Establish a centralized, searchable, and secure SharePoint knowledge management system, ready for use within minutes.

Webcoda - Knowledge Hub allows to set up a SharePoint knowledge management system quickly that is centralized, searchable, and secure.

Webcoda's Knowledge Hub consists of two components: a KH Home web part, enabling users to browse knowledge articles grouped by categories, and a KH List web part, facilitating access to all articles within a selected category.

Empower your teams to enhance self-sufficiency, boost efficiency, and save time using the SharePoint knowledge management tool. Webcoda's Knowledge Hub offers a comprehensive solution to consolidate knowledge from various sources and deliver consistent, high-quality information at every customer interaction point.

• Enhanced employee productivity and satisfaction due to reduced time and effort spent searching for knowledge.

• Utilize intuitive interfaces featuring controlled pagination and search filters for enhanced navigation.

• Knowledge articles can be tagged to selected keywords and allocated to specific categories

• Empower your teams to locate necessary information swiftly, reducing administrative requests and training needs.

• Authors or content managers can quickly grasp how to construct a knowledge base, expediting the information processing workflow.

• Efficiently handle content by accessing easily navigable article views.

• Allows to organize knowledge articles with customized categories and tags, enabling instant searchability.

• Streamlined and efficient onboarding process for new hires.

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