Mobile Close Channel SDK multi-channel communication

autor Close B.V.

The solution for hyper-personalised messaging at scale for your app

There’s no better time to add customer value than when your customers are already interacting with you. Make the most of every moment and have the control to deliver hyper-personalised messages that drive customer engagement, first party data and increasing average order value.
The Mobile Close Channel SDK makes it easy to integrate a complete multi-channel communication solution into your own app!
Our in-app chat environment is designed to function fully automated. When the customer journey is designed, the pre-programmed messages are sent automatically, regardless of the number of users and timeframe. Thanks to different (internal and/or external) triggers, a hyper-personalized flow is possible that will ensure high engagement.

  • Free CMS included
  • Launch in no-time
  • Well documented

More information

Get in touch with our team at and launch your messaging journey today!

Technical information

A sample project and documentation are publicly available!

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