Cloudticity Professional Service Offerings

autor Cloudticity LLC

Microsoft Azure Professional Services for Healthcare Organizations

Cloudticity professional services can help you get the most out of your cloud investment while maintaining HIPAA/HITRUST compliance. Cloudticity Oxygen™ is a next-gen managed cloud solution for healthcare on Microsoft Azure, delivering maximum agility, security, compliance, reliability, and cost savings via AIOps and advanced automation. By offloading IT operations, security, and compliance to our innovative platform, Azure customers can free up internal resources to focus on innovation and growth.

Cloudticity Professional Service Offerings:

  • Cloud Migration: We help you make the move to the cloud (or migration from other cloud providers) through the right education, strategy, workflow model, and collaboration with Microsoft. Through our customer-centric approach and proven discovery processes, we help align stakeholders and create a customized plan in order to build the right cloud for your organization, without impacting your current business operations. (See our Dedicated Migration Marketplace Offering)

  • DevOps Automation: Automate tedious manual processes that are time consuming and prone to error. Cloudticity’s DevOps automation leverages deep expertise in healthcare cloud solutions to automate CI/CD processes such as application deployments and infrastructure updates, freeing you to focus on innovation and growth.

  • Big Data Analytics: Let us help your organization meet and exceed your business intelligence, data warehouse, advanced analytics, data governance, and machine learning objectives. We will architect and build cost efficient, secure, and advanced cloud-based analytical solutions at enterprise scale for your organization, utilizing Azure native services for analytics and data governance. 

  • Well Architected Reviews: Let our team of experts do a thorough analysis of your existing cloud environment, and make sure your Azure environment lives up to the five pillars of Reliability, Cost Management, Performance, Security and Compliance.

  • Cloud App Modernization & Optimization: Adapt more quickly to new market demands, and take advantage of new capabilities. Future-proof your legacy application in the cloud, or modernize your existing cloud application. Leveraging deep cloud expertise and experience with healthcare apps, we help you refactor applications to take advantage of cloud benefits such as autoscaling and auto-healing, reducing costs and improving performance and reliability. 

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