Community Bot for OneDrive

kiadó: Solvion information management

The one bot you need to stay up to date with everything OneDrive!

Hans Brender aka "Mr. OneDrive" is the subject matter expert for all things OneDrive and file sync. Hans tours the world and presents at various events. On his blog he shares his experience with the public. To make his knowledge even more accessible we created a bot. Hans needs to sleep, our bot doesn't. Use it to ask all your questions about OneDrive and maybe it also reviles some details about Mr. OneDrive himself.

At the moment the bot is in the very first stage, only able to answer your questions in English or in German. To switch between those please use the command action in the chat window and select either English or German to start asking your questions!

At the moment the bot is in the very first stage, only able to answer your questions in English or in German. To switch between those please type "@change-language" and send this command to the bot to start the change language dialog. Select either English or German and start asking your questions!

Az alkalmazás képességei

Az alkalmazás használatakor:
  • Adatokat küldhet az interneten keresztül
  • Ez az alkalmazás hozzáfér az aktív üzenetben található személyes adatokhoz, például a telefonszámokhoz, irányítószámokhoz és URL-címekhez. Az alkalmazás ezeket az adatokat egy harmadik fél szolgáltatásának továbbíthatja. A postaláda egyéb elemeit nem tudja olvasni vagy módosítani.
