
kiadó: airfocus GmbH

Push Microsoft Teams messages with feedback directly to airfocus.

Push Microsoft Teams messages as feedback and opportunity items to airfocus. airfocus offers a modern and modular product management platform, that allows you to process your product feedback and create insights to roadmap items to make informed prioritization decisions.

Key features of our Microsoft Teams app:

  • Push messages directly as feedback items to airfocus
  • Add comments to pushed messages to add context
  • Teams notifications for airfocus items created via the app with direct access links
  • Teams notification when pushed item gets processed on airfocus

airfocus provides a complete solution for product teams to manage and communicate their product strategy, prioritize their work, build roadmaps, and connect feedback to solve the right problems. Designed with flexibility in mind, airfocus allows you to quickly customize the platform to fit your needs without disrupting the way your team works.

Thousands of product managers worldwide – including teams from the Washington Post, Caterpillar, Paysend, and Royal Canin – trust airfocus to help them become more focused. To use this app, you must have an active airfocus account. Sign up for a free 14-day trial, to get started.

Az alkalmazás képességei

Az alkalmazás használatakor:
  • Adatokat küldhet az interneten keresztül
  • Ez az alkalmazás hozzáfér az aktív üzenetben található személyes adatokhoz, például a telefonszámokhoz, irányítószámokhoz és URL-címekhez. Az alkalmazás ezeket az adatokat egy harmadik fél szolgáltatásának továbbíthatja. A postaláda egyéb elemeit nem tudja olvasni vagy módosítani.
