Email Original


Send emails transmitting trust, protection and reputation to your clients, avoiding phishing.

We want to present you Email Original, the seal that will allow your recipients of your emails to validate the authenticity and legitimacy of your email addresses, totally FREE, by downloading these, Email Original will put that necessary barrier to possible identity theft (phishing or spoofing). With its intuitive and simple design, sending emails, providing that desired and necessary layer of security to your recipients, has never been easier.

Email Original also offers advanced functions such as accessing emails by filtering WITHOUT STAMP, VALID, INVALID, NOT SECURE emails for easy organization and being able to give preference to emails that provide greater security. Email Original is the definitive solution to offer a greater layer of security in your email communications to your clients and thus be able to maintain your impeccable reputation by ensuring its security.

Validation of incoming emails is FREE, any Email Original user can use this extension to validate emails. If you want to add our stamp to your emails, you must be registered on our platform.

In order to use the Original Email seal on your email account, you can register by visiting the rates section on our official website: Email Original.

Az alkalmazás képességei

Az alkalmazás használatakor:
  • Adatokat küldhet az interneten keresztül
  • Ez az alkalmazás a postaládában található bármelyik elem tartalmát képes olvasni és módosítani, illetve új elemeket is létre tud hozni. Hozzáférhet személyes információkhoz – például az üzenet törzséhez, a tárgyhoz, a feladóhoz, a címzettekhez vagy a mellékletekhez – bármely üzenet- vagy naptárelemben. Ezeket az adatokat egy harmadik fél szolgáltatásának továbbíthatja.
