
kiadó: Kubeshop

A virtual SRE, powered by AI

The Collaborative Kubernetes Troubleshooting Platform.

Empowering DevOps

Botkube empowers DevOps teams by integrating essential notifications, with context, and troubleshooting tools directly into your collaboration platform. Powered by artificial intelligence and automation, it allows you to tackle common issues without wasting time on repetitive tasks.

Developer Self-Service

Botkube empowers developers to monitor and solve Kubernetes problems from the comfort of their existing chat platforms. This saves time and streamlines workflows, as they don't need to switch tools or become Kubernetes experts.

Improving Reliability

With powerful filtering, Botkube gets the right notifications to the right teams. Lighten their workload by automating responses to common problems. Accelerate mean time to recovery by receiving alerts, troubleshooting, and resolving issues all in the same place, the collaboration platform where you already spend much of your time.

Built for Botkube Cloud

The Botkube app for Microsoft Teams uses Botkube Cloud services to manage channels and route source events and executor commands.

To use this app, you must have an active Botkube account. Sign up for a free Botkube Cloud account. Learn more about Botkube on the Botkube website.

Az alkalmazás képességei

Az alkalmazás használatakor:
  • Adatokat küldhet az interneten keresztül
  • Ez az alkalmazás hozzáfér az aktív üzenetben található személyes adatokhoz, például a telefonszámokhoz, irányítószámokhoz és URL-címekhez. Az alkalmazás ezeket az adatokat egy harmadik fél szolgáltatásának továbbíthatja. A postaláda egyéb elemeit nem tudja olvasni vagy módosítani.
