
kiadó: DEFTeam Solutions, Inc

Newwe helps organizations Manage Hybrid work environment by keeping employees engaged and motivated

Adapting to the new hybrid, remote and distributed working requires a strong digital first-work culture. In Newwe, the measure of work is through real-time contribution with constant feedback mechanism that brings out true productivity and optimum utilization of employees and increases team cohesiveness. Newwe helps employees collaborate, engage and motivate with various instant rewards through gamification. With its advanced NLP engine for tone and sentiment analysis and other Analytics and machine learning techniques, Newwe helps organizations to make better data-driven decisions.

Measure Hybrid Work Performance: Ensuring remote employees feel connected to their work, and team members and aligned with organizational goals can be challenging. In Newwe, all employees irrespective of where they are working, can be measured with ease. Newwe's performance management platform helps you improve connections, foster transparency, and increase a sense of belonging so that employees who work from home can succeed while achieving organizational goals.

Point-in-time Review: Newwe's point-in-time review is a comprehensive performance management platform that is configurable for startups, SMEs and large enterprises, and help them track down each employee's performance at a granular level. The organization can define whatever period of review they need.

Employee Engagement: Newwe's intelligent employee engagement platform helps organizations create ecosystems of empowered teams that are fully engaged, where the talent is truly leveraged and provided with an opportunity for additional responsibilities. A gamified platform helps employees earn points and badges while doing their work, helping other employees. The leaderboard helps in identifying future leaders.

Collaboration: Newwe fosters collaboration amongst employees and thus improves productivity. Newwe can also connect to other software's in the organization and bring all work-related items in Newwe through various connectors to reflect true utilizations and productivity of all employees.

Constant Conversation: Newwe is an intelligent Employee Engagement platform that helps organizations to retain talent pool and foster constant conversation. It is feedback mechanism that ensures transparency and thus increases productivity and motivation of employees.

Work Management: Newwe brings you a platform to track and manage any type of your employee work items based upon the level in hierarchy, like Objectives for senior management, Goals for mid-management and finally Tasks for others.

Pulse Polls: The platform is enabled with quizzes, polls and events that generate lots of organizational data that can help in providing data driven analytics which could help in finding any propensity of any employee to leave the organization and thus reduces iteration by have corrective actions initiated.

Tone & Sentiment Analysis: Newwe is embedded with a powerful NLP (Natural Language Processing) engine to analyze employee sentiment, derive employee sentiments and any behavioral issues between an employee and supervisor, and vice versa at work (both onsite and remote) by keeping a close eye on employees' language used in communication.

Performance Improvement Plan: Newwe's comprehensive performance improvement plan offers a solution to track, engage, and empower employees' KRAs (Key Results Areas), and conclude accurate performance review. Its advanced analytics identifies non-performers and under-performers from a team or a group within an organization and provides a detailed corrective action plan.
