kiadó: Pixton Comics Inc.
Quickly create illustrated comics, storyboards, and custom characters.
Pixton is an award-winning comic creation platform that enables learners to develop essential writing and critical thinking skills. Pixton also:
Engages and motivates even the most reluctant learner.
Develops multimodal communication skills while establishing deeper connections to the subject matter.
Builds positive social and emotional skills by providing facial expressions, gestures, and body language options that can be combined with text.
Strengthens vocabulary and grammar while improving overall writing skills.
Reflects the diversity of its users by providing options for skin color, hair, clothing, back- grounds, and culturally relevant assets.
Employs a simple click-and-drag interface, speech-to-text, and other features to ensure that comic creation is accessible to everyone.
Provides content packs that align with many of the themes found in the most popular literacy and language arts programs.
Provides a safe and secure environment, fully compliant with student privacy and protection laws.
Builds knowledge through carefully curated content and supporting activities.
Includes a library of amazing content suitable for all ages, subject areas, and interests.
Works on any device.
200+ theme packs
4,000+ backgrounds, outfits, props, poses, and expressions
Lesson ideas and templates
Printing and downloading
Canva, Powerpoint, Slides plugins
Printables to use in class
Comic creator for students
Unlimited classrooms
Unlimited students
Class photos
Content filters