Skedify | Omnichannel Appointment Scheduling
Online Omnichannel Appointment Scheduling
Omnichannel Appointment Schedulin> Software for Enterprises who’s sales strategy is to leverage their expertise and meet their clients personally, to sell high-involvement products and services by giving expert advise.
Our Mission: Making scheduling appointments for your customers and agents effortless.
A platform that will transform your distribution model to focus on the customer empowerment, where your added-value advisory services can be requested on-demand and self-service, by both new and existing customers.
Whether your organisation offers your expert services in-branch, by phone, via integrated video chat or at the customer’s location. Our omnichannel scheduling capabilities meet all these needs and more.
You are able to easily configure specific scheduling rules over these different channels and can specify them over the different dimensions of your organisational structure. Enabling both your HQ, Team leaders and your individual experts, to stay in full control of making your specialised services accessible to your customers.
Skedify is an industry-specific platform, a custom-designed solution for these industries omnichannel challenges and is offered exclusively in the following industries:
- Banking; retail, online and private banking
- Insurance and Financial advisory; by broker and agent networks
- Tax, Fiscal and Legal services such as Accounting groups and Notary networks
- Human Resources such as Recruitment, Selection and Payrolling
- High Involvement Retail such as Travel and Automotive
- Specialized Government services