
oleh MeetingPro (Pty) Ltd

Streamline meetings, improve decision making and drive implementation of actions

MeetingPro, a software based business process, facilitates the thorough preparation for a well-constructed and complete meeting invite, which in turn becomes the meeting minutes template, allowing for in-time scribing of the discussions, decisions and associated tasks per agenda item. An in-app notes section assists delegates to make private notes before and during the meeting. Once the meeting ends, delegates will be required to approve their tasks and approve the minutes of the meeting. This will then auto-populate to create an Acceptance Report, the Meeting Minutes and a Task Report in printable format. All tasks will automatically be sent each delegate’s TASK section allowing them to chat, report on and create a time sheet within each task. All pinned items in the task section will auto-populate into the Task report giving all delegates in-time feedback on all tasks assigned during the meeting. This feature keeps everyone updated and saves on follow-up meeting time.

Kemampuan aplikasi

Ketika digunakan, aplikasi ini
  • Dapat mengirim data melalui Internet
  • Aplikasi ini dapat mengakses informasi pribadi di pesan aktif, seperti nomor telepon, alamat pos, atau URL. Aplikasi dapat mengirim data ini ke layanan pihak ketiga. Item lainnya di kotak surat Anda tidak akan dibaca atau diubah.
