
oleh DataGalaxy

Stay updated effortlessly with DataGalaxy notifications in Microsoft Teams.

Stay informed without logging in! Thanks to the integration between Microsoft Teams and DataGalaxy, you gain speed and responsiveness by receiving all your DataGalaxy notifications directly in Microsoft Teams. You no longer need to log in to the platform to check your alerts, ensuring you don't miss any information.

Once an administrator of your clientspace has activated the integration between DataGalaxy and Microsoft Teams, all users of the clientspace will be able to :

Use DataGalaxy in Microsoft Teams to:

- Receive your notifications

- Access relevant information directly

In order to use this app, users must have an active DataGalaxy accounts, please contact our support team for more details.

Kemampuan aplikasi

Ketika digunakan, aplikasi ini
  • Dapat mengirim data melalui Internet
  • Aplikasi ini dapat mengakses informasi pribadi di pesan aktif, seperti nomor telepon, alamat pos, atau URL. Aplikasi dapat mengirim data ini ke layanan pihak ketiga. Item lainnya di kotak surat Anda tidak akan dibaca atau diubah.
