
oleh ТОВ «Е-ДОКС»

e-Docs.Platform - online space to create, collaborate, and e-Sign documents

e-Docs.Platform - online space to create, collaborate, and e-Sign documents. ECM system for growing your business

Product overview:

Documents' creation

  • Templates — create a library of agreements, letters, invoices, etc.
  • API — an open API. Create any connection to ERP, CRM which you're already using.

Powerful workflows:

Streamline document creation, approvals, negotiation, and signing. Get documents completed faster.

  • Roles — collaborate with anyone from your company with flexible roles., and workflows.
  • Approvals and Negotiations — enable painless collaboration with approval workflows, and version tracking. Flexible, configurable workflow.
  • Comments comment and respond right in the document to resolve issues faster.

Sign documents electronically

Improve the speed and security of signing with built-in electronic signature.

  • Mobile — make it easy for to sign docs on desktop or smartphone.
  • Security — keep all documents in one place.
  • Audit trail — get proof of who opened, viewed, and signed a document and when.

Store, Track and analyze

Get powerful real-time insights into what is happening with every document.

  • Documents storage — store, tag and organize documents in one searchable place with inbuild permission controls. Increase oversight and find documents faster.
  • Track engagement — see who has opened, viewed, and execute. Learn who hasn't engaged yet.
  • Real-time alerts — instant email and mobile app notifications tell you when someone is engaging.
  • Optimize — use the insights from analytics to learn what’s working, and improve your workflows.
