Purchase Order Requisition
di Niles Partners Inc.
The Power Extension Purchase Order Requisition can efficiently manage every type of purchase request
In any business organization, there is always the need for materials and equipment, these may be office supplies, machines and other orders like Desktop, Laptop etc.
Generally, it helps to prevent fraud and maintain proper record of purchase of goods. What is likely to happen when a business organization allows departmental head or managers to place orders directly with the suppliers? The answer is that there is a chance of fraud. To prevent this, purchase requisition play a vital role, it is often created to place the orders with the vendors and to oversee purchase requisition workflow. Within this department, there is a purchase requisition process in place to be followed to ensure that fraud is prevented, and the business organization gets value for its money.
Features of using this app:
- Self-Services for Employees to place the requests
- A proper dashboard to see the applied orders and its status from different approvers.
- Approval process through automated workflow
- Easy to access dashboard where users can easily access everything related to employee in one go.
Benefits of using this app:
- Complete Transparency
- Budget Control
- Product Catalogue