di Microsoft Teams Ecosystem
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Manage contacts and send email messages to subscribers.
Connectors keep your team current by delivering content and updates from services you use directly into a channel. The MailChimp connector sends notifications about your email marketing campaigns. Mailchimp allows you to manage contacts and send email messages to subscribers.
Funzionalità dell'app
Quando questa app viene usata,
- Può inviare dati tramite Internet
- Questa app può accedere alle informazioni personali nel messaggio attivo, ad esempio numeri di telefono, indirizzi postali o URL. L'app può inviare i dati a un servizio di terze parti. Non è possibile leggere o modificare altri elementi presenti nella cassetta postale dell'utente.
In uno sguardo
Altre app da Microsoft Teams Ecosystem
Google AnalyticsMicrosoft Teams EcosystemGet Google Analytics summary reports
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GitHub EnterpriseMicrosoft Teams EcosystemManage and collaborate on code projects hosted on a GitHub Enterprise instance.
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NaN out of 5
PingdomMicrosoft Teams EcosystemTrack uptime/downtime and performance of web sites.
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CrashlyticsMicrosoft Teams EcosystemTrack errors in mobile apps.
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NaN out of 5
StatusPage.ioMicrosoft Teams EcosystemTrack and communicate about downtime issues with your customers.
Applicable to:
NaN out of 5