Nebry UC

di Nebry

Place and receive calls with Nebry UC for Microsoft Teams

Transform your telephony experience with Nebry UC for Microsoft Teams - a powerful cloud telephony solution that allows you to easily communicate and collaborate by placing phone calls, look up contacts and much more, all within Microsoft Teams.

In order to use this app, users must have an active Nebry UC account, please contact our support team for more details (

Nebry UC for Microsoft Teams allows users to:

• Make and receive calls: Dial any phone number, extension or contact through the Nebry UC Teams app phone keypad. Users are able to receive calls within Teams app as well.

• Call history: View call history including missed, received, and outbound calls, and call back contacts from the history section itself.

• Synchronized contact list: Integrated contact lists from Microsoft and RingCentral make it simple to find and reach a contact.

• Straightforward deployment: Deploying the Nebry UC Microsoft Teams app to users is easy and only requires three steps; install Nebry UC app, login, and install Microsoft Teams app.

• Enhanced user experience: Capitalizing on Microsoft Team’s modern and unified user experience, users can utilize Nebry UC and Microsoft Teams in one place.

Getting Started

To get started using Nebry UC for Microsoft Teams, please ensure you have the Nebry UC App installed from Microsoft Store (

New to Nebry UC? Get started here

Funzionalità dell'app

Quando questa app viene usata,
  • Può inviare dati tramite Internet
  • Questa app può accedere alle informazioni personali nel messaggio attivo, ad esempio numeri di telefono, indirizzi postali o URL. L'app può inviare i dati a un servizio di terze parti. Non è possibile leggere o modificare altri elementi presenti nella cassetta postale dell'utente.

In uno sguardo