
di Klee Interactive Inc.

Seamlessly transform your email drafts into error-free and clearly written English emails with AI.

Write Good Emails

Compose emails with clarity, precision, and ease, ensuring

they are error-free and delivered in an appropriate style.

Communicate with Clarity

In today's digital age, clear and effective written emails

are more important than ever. GoodEmail™ ensures that your written

messages are error-free, grammatically sound, impactful and

appropriate to the occasion. Whether you're crafting an important

business proposal, a persuasive sales pitch, or a heartfelt message,

GoodEmail™ analyzes your text and suggests edits to enhance clarity

and coherence.

GoodEmail is now offered as an Outlook Add-in. Soon, GoodEmail will

also be available for other popular emailers by the end of this year.

How It Works

  • When you click Rewrite, GoodEmail will turn that message into a

    clearly, well written email.

  • If you're pressed for time, you can simply jot down the key

    points, and GoodEmail will generate a complete email for you.

  • You can also incorporate your own language into the email for

    sections you are uncertain about the wording.

  • You can write your message in any language, mixing it with

    English, and GoodEmail will convert it into a well-written email

    entirely in English.

  • When you click Rewrite, GoodEmail will turn that message into a

    clearly, well written email.

  • You have a choice of writing style to standard, friendly or


  • If you don’t want the whole part rewritten, you can select part of

    your email to be rewritten.

Why Wait?

Try GoodEmail™ today and experience

the difference it can make for you!

Funzionalità dell'app

Quando questa app viene usata,
  • Può inviare dati tramite Internet
  • Questa app può accedere alle informazioni personali nel messaggio attivo, ad esempio corpo del messaggio, oggetto, mittente, destinatari e informazioni sugli allegati, e modificarle. Può inviare i dati a un servizio di terze parti. Non è possibile leggere o modificare altri elementi presenti nella cassetta postale dell'utente.

In uno sguardo