Ultimate Scatter Line Plot

di GmbH

(5 valutazioni)
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The type of graphic is a scatterplot + a line + vertical lines.

All of the lines (horizontal and verticals) are built based on measurement values, they are not fixed values The Y axis is inverted: starts at the maximum value and as you go along, the value decreases until it reaches 0. Axes x / y must be scalable The shape, fill, border and the colors (border and fill) of the symbol must be able to be customized based on categories It must be necessary to zoom in a specific range within the chart area, by dragging with the mouse. You can select and export associated data A tooltip must appear when the mouse is over an element that indicates the x and y-axis values, category and state.

Funzionalità visive

Se usato, questo oggetto visivo:
  • Può accedere a servizi o risorse esterne

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