SharePoint Workshop

di Move AS

Objective: Map the customer's environment and plan file migration process to SharePoint Online

This application is available in Norwegian and English.

This workshop will demonstration how SharePoint Online differs from traditional file servers. There are several benefits to having documents stored in the cloud, including accessibility, search function and flexibility. The workshop will reveal any challenges in a migration job and how to best solve these.


  • Introduction to SharePoint Online. We present the options you have with document libraries, lists and areas, and how these can be adapted as needed.
  • Mapping of the customer's environment. It is important to get an overview of current file areas and file structure.
  • Map and identify needs for access control and securing of documents. There are many ways to secure data in Office 365 and SharePoint Online. We identify which policies are best suited to their needs and security requirements.
  • We make our recommendations adapted to the customers environment, needs and wishes.

The purpose of the workshop is to map the customer's current environment and plan a migration that meets the customer's needs and wishes. Solid preparations make the migration process itself as painless as possible for both the IT department and the end users. The actual migration job is performed if desired by appointment after the workshop.

Duration: 1 day

Estimated investment:  NOK 19000,-

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