

HealConnect - Member Engagement

HealConnect helps with procedural efficiency through consumer engagement in the short term, while monitoring and improving social and behavioural attributes related to health in the long term.  Specifically, it focuses on impacting operational costs through address validation, using chat to reduce customer calls, helping with appointment scheduling and access to community resources.  As an open platform, HealConnect integrates with EMR, HIS, Billing, Eligibility and other related systems.  Manage live and virtual events for health education: Scheduling, inviting, reminding and tracking attendance of members at health education events is automated. Virtual events can also be created and managed for health education. Electronic visit verification of attendees.  Access to community resources: Location based access to food banks, farmers markets and community partners. Provide information (hours open, services provided) and direction to resource from member’s home.  Reward configuration and delivery: Ability to configure activities/tasks for rewards and deliver gift cards or points electronically  Chat for live and async communication: Chat enables answering of “small questions” rather than calling customer service. Chat bot for frequently asked questions and triage to customer advocate for questions not answerable by the bot.  Visit scheduling and reminders: Assist in scheduling appointments, deliver reminders, and perform electronic visit verification for rewards.  Mobile app/SMS for notifications: Deliver reminders through in-app notifications and SMS  Care plan management and personalization: Automated provisioning of care plans and personalization of care plan based on member attributes or behaviour.  Health compliance tracking: Tracking of medication adherence, sleep, diet and activity through mobile app.  Content and tools for managing health conditions: Disease specific content and tools for managing health conditions like pregnancy weight estimator.  Assessment library: Library of assessments for behavioural and chronic conditions  Device integration to track at- home vitals: Integration with digital scale, glucometer and blood pressure cuff. Rules can be configured on tracked vitals to deliver appropriate interventions.  FHIR and HITRUST ready: Integration to EMR for appointment scheduling and other interactions through FHIR. Hosted on Microsoft Azure that is HITRUST certified.
