HR Service Bot

作成者: NeocaseSoftware

Get the best of Neocase in Microsoft Teams with "Neo" the HR Service Bot.

Neocase is an integrated, scalable and flexible HR Shared Services Center solution which allows an HR organization to transform its business to reduce operational costs, enhance employee satisfaction, and optimize HR processes.

The HR Service Bot (Neo) from Neocase Software is an Artificial Intelligence Bot that employees can Instant Message within the Microsoft Teams environment.

The Bot performs the following tasks by intelligently interpreting the employee’s request, and interacting with the Neocase Knowledge base and HR Case Management solution:

- Retrieve content from the knowledge base, to answer an employee’s question.

- Create a new request in the HR case management system, on behalf of the employee.

- Give the employee the current status of an existing request.

- Update an existing request with new information from the employee Transfer from the Bot to a live IM conversation with an HR representative.


  • インターネット経由でデータを送信できます
  • このアプリは、電話番号、住所、URL など、アクティブなメッセージの個人情報にアクセスできます。アプリがこのデータをサード パーティ サービスに送信する可能性もあります。メールボックス内の他のアイテムを読み取ったり、変更したりすることはできません。
