Meeting Cost for Outlook

䜜成者: Flowtrace Ltd

(1 評䟡)

Displays appointment cost estimates, meeting policy, and validates appointment structure in Outlook.

Meeting Cost for Outlook: Because meetings are investments, make them count.

Adds meeting costs and meeting policy to Outlook calendar when organizing meetings. Meeting policy and central configuration available through Flowtrace paid plans.

Meetings can either catalyze productivity or become a drain on resources. Empower your meeting organizers with free estimated meeting costs using Flowtrace's Chrome extension.

Our add-in integrates with the rest of the Flowtrace Meeting Analytics ecosystem to provide accurate cost estimates for both direct and group invited meetings. Your users will get the company configuration automatically when Flowtrace and your calendars are integrated.

Available features in free plans:

• Meeting cost estimate for edit and compose view

• Cost estimate updates when you adjust time, recurrence, attachments, or involved people

• Recurring meeting cost estimates on quarterly basis

Additional feature in premium plans:

• Centralized deployment and consent

• Custom meeting policy and link configuration

• Rules for event validation when sending an invite

• Prompt organizer to consider meeting costs and rules before sending an invite

• Currency, hourly rate, and buffer configuration

• Custom cost alert thresholds for no, low, medium, and high levels

• Organization structure based cost averages

• Dynamic appointment rule validation on the side panel when crafting the invite

• Option to switch between time and cost estimates

Experience the transformative impact of cost transparency. By providing tangible estimates on meeting costs, our tool ensures your team is aware of the time and financial implications of meetings. This awareness encourages a mindful approach to scheduling, potentially saving your organization significant resources.

By using our Add-In you foster a culture of accountability and cost-effectiveness, and move your team towards streamlined, productive meetings.


  • むンタヌネット経由でデヌタを送信できたす
  • このアプリは、送信者や受信者の名前、メヌル アドレス、メッセヌゞ本文、添付ファむルの情報など、アクティブなメッセヌゞの個人情報にアクセスできたす。アプリがこのデヌタをサヌド パヌティ サヌビスに送信する可胜性もありたす。メヌルボックス内の他のアむテムを読み取ったり、倉曎したりするこずはできたせん。
  • ナヌザヌがむベントの招埅を送信する。
  • ナヌザヌが新しいむベントを䜜成する。
  • ナヌザヌがむベントの添付ファむルを远加たたは削陀する。
  • ナヌザヌがむベントの出垭者を远加たたは削陀する。
  • ナヌザヌがむベントの日付たたは時刻を倉曎する。
  • ナヌザヌがむベントの繰り返しを倉曎する。
