Digital Material Gate Pass System

作成者: Iss Technologies

Material Gate Pass System

Digital Material Gate Pass System -  Next step in your business towards digital transformation
Anything that “comes in and goes out” of your business premises must be recorded. Digital Record, Auditable and  Monitor of movement of materials.

A manual material management system that uses RGP and NGRP faces multiple problems like no data reference, difficulty in computing the quantities, inability to track the materials at every stage and till the end, and minimal or no sharing of information between departments.

How does automation can help?

•Maintains Unique No for RGP/NRGP gate passes
•Track returnable and non-returnable materials online
•A multi-level approval system for dispatches and receipts online
•Return can be Accepted or Rejected and reasons recorded for the same
•Material Due Date is captured for returnable gate passes
•Role based return approval and acknowledgment
•Track Full and Partial returns, with reminders for pending returns
•Acknowledgement for returns

Key Features .... 

Custom Process 

Media Capture and record

Alerts and Reminders 

Monitor and Tracking 

Leveraging  Capability of Microsoft 365 Suite 


Ease of Use 


No Code and Low Code

Secured Data

Return on investment on M 365 Subscription


