Regional Monitor

作成者: Pandora Intelligence BV

Regional Monitor - scenarios against subversive crime

Subversive crime refers to illegal activities that undermine our legal structures with disruptive effects on society as a re-sult. In the fight against subversive crime, the role of municipalities is crucial. While the data that may help municipalities become more resilient is readily available, readily applicable scenarios are not.

  • Regional Monitor converts different data sources into operational scenarios that can be readily applied
  • Regional Monitor enables your to recognize early signs of subversive crime and to respond appropriately
  • Regional Monitor offers real-time insight in the resilience of your community, and proactively informs you of changes

Regional Monitor offers your community:
  • A dynamic overview of the resilience your municipality, district, street or companies
  • A tailor-made action perspective in every situation in which undermining activities are identified
  • Data-driven prioritization for the approach to subversive crime in your municipality
  • A central place where all scenarios, observations and action-perspectives stored

Effectively, It makes your municipality an attractive business climate and a safe environment for residents
