ThinkBase SaaS API

作成者: Thinkbase LLC

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Create, edit and use ThinkBase Knowledge Graphs for transparent, ethical decision-making and advice

ThinkBase Knowledge graphs are the modern, and much more efficient, answer to Expert Systems. You can encode all kinds of business knowledge, and then use a chat interface to interrogate the knowledge graph with your employees' or customers' new data.

The ThinkBase SaaS site offers the ability to create Intelligent Knowledge Graphs that work throughout the ThinkBase ecosystem, including the Microsoft Teams ThinkBase apps.
Knowledge graph creation can be performed manually using the built in graphical user interface with creation of fuzzy logic rules using our interactive editor.
The SaaS site also offers GraphQL API access to programmatically create, modify and use Knowledge Graphs plus support for Machine Learning to create knowledge graphs directly from data.
It also supplies advanced testing tools to locate gaps in Knowledge Graph coverage.
This license gives the user access to the ThinkBase and ThinkBase Inference teams apps as well.
