

Leverage the power of document automation directly within Microsoft Teams.

Businesses are overwhelmed with the number of administrative tasks filling their workdays and taking time away from higher priority activities. These mundane tasks drain focus and increase turn-around time for documents and negotiations.

Leaflet for Microsoft Teams solves this problem by allowing legal, procurement, and contract teams to bring the power of automation directly into their Team's environment. Leaflet empowers users to complete automated questionnaires, generate documents, and kick start review and approval workflows with just the click of a button.

The field Document Automation is moving more toward collaborative workflows and “deal-room” style negotiation and drafting. Teams allows users to take advantage of Teams collaborative workspace to:

• Improve the contracting process by allowing for a more collaborative contracting experience.

• Reduce transaction time by streamlining the document creation process

• Manage matters in one place with a collaborative workflow between business and legal

• Utilize the automated Templates to increase efficiency (through preset variables and auto filled components)

and ensure compliance by limiting changes users can make to non-variable language in agreements.

Leaflet’s Microsites reduce the friction between business development and legal by providing a fast lane to deal completion.

Using Leaflet’s Document Automation System, your legal department can generate custom document templates with pre-approved language and terms.

Business users can then use the secure microsite portal to generate completed documents with configurable workflows and approval processes that allow legal to review, if needed, at each step of the deal.

Legal and Business work in tandem, rather than in succession.

Important Notices:

Leaflet requires an active Leaflet Subscription, buy a subscription via Microsoft Marketplace, or contact us. Please visit our website for more details.

Sending documents for eSignature requires an active subscription with an eSignature Provider.

For more information, please visit our product site:

or contact us at:

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