Namirial eSignAnyWhere for Word

Namirial Group에 의해

eSignAnyWhere allows for sending any Word document for electronic signing using Namirial products

eSignAnyWhere is an integration between Word and an electronic signature provider Namirial. In order to use the add-in users must have a valid Namirial account and enter its API credentials on the Welcome page. That page is accessible from the add-in page and should be used by the Office365 administrators. Only enabled users by the administrator can use the add-in.

The add-in takes the content of the currently edited document and sends it for electronic signing to the list of recipients specified.

앱 기능

이 앱을 사용하면
  • 문서를 읽거나 변경할 수 있음
  • 인터넷을 통해 데이터를 보낼 수 있음

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