Bonfyre for Microsoft Teams

Bonfyre, Inc에 의해

(14 등급)

Make it easy for Teams to take the right actions to drive engagement, retention, and performance.

Culture Coach:

Culture Coach automatically delivers pre-built actions you can take in 2-3 clicks designed to help you improve engagement survey scores, retention, and performance.


More consistently and effectively celebrate birthdays, work anniversaries, and other employee milestones with automated virtual cards you can launch in just 2-3 clicks. Team members can add their well wishes with a GIF or post and the celebrant automatically receives their virtual card the day of.


Recognize great work and living values with custom digital badges team members can award each other. You can also integrate with an existing recognition and rewards programs

Celebration Wall

Create a culture of appreciation by making it easy for team members to see and engage in all of the celebration and recognition activity happening across the company.

Team Activities

Build trust, relationships, share knowledge, reflect on quarterly wins and goals, and more with lightweight team activities you can launch and participate in. Choose pre-built team activities from our library or create your own on-demand.

Improve Performance

Bonfyre has unique end-to-end visibility into which recommended actions leaders take, which ones have high engagement and how these correlate to KPIs like retention, engagement scores, and performance. All without relying on self-reporting.

Note: Bonfyre for Microsoft Teams requires an active account with Bonfyre, Inc., please visit to request a demo.

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