SafeGPT for Outlook

WiNC Solutions B.V.에 의해

"Stop writing, start prompting!": An advanced AI chat assistant for your emails.

Hier is de vertaling naar het Engels:

"With unparalleled AI support, the SafeGPT Office Add-in revolutionizes your email editing and creation experience. A completely new way of working where you no longer have to type out full emails, but instead give instructions (prompts) to the texts. Harness the power of artificial intelligence to seamlessly enrich or modify email texts. Designed with strict European privacy guidelines in mind, it is the perfect tool for businesses and government agencies that prioritize data security. With SafeGPT, not only do you compose your emails better, your company comes across more professionally, and everyone can easily create professional emails.

Features of the SafeGPT Add-in

  • Easily adjust email texts with selections.
  • Use the context of selections to generate new email content.
  • Compose complete emails, from subject lines to extensive content.
  • Include the context of the entire email in your messages.
  • Translate emails cognitively and effortlessly. Achieve impeccable translations with AI in all languages.
  • Refine writing styles, correct spelling and grammar, and enhance readability.
  • Efficiently process feedback with AI instructions.
  • Experience the convenience of a chat interface on the right side.
  • Generate accurate summaries and abstracts for email communication.
  • Automatic reference and citation support for professional email correspondence.
  • Real-time collaboration tools allowing multiple users to instruct the AI simultaneously.
  • ISO27001 certified, a clear privacy policy, and GDPR compliant.

The possibilities are endless. Download the Add-in and try it for free. After the 30-day free trial, you automatically revert to the free plan and can continue to use the web version of SafeGPT."

앱 기능

이 앱을 사용하면
  • 인터넷을 통해 데이터를 보낼 수 있음
  • 이 앱은 본문, 제목, 보낸 사람, 받는 사람, 첨부 파일 정보와 같은 활성 메시지의 개인 정보에 액세스하고 개인 정보를 수정할 수 있습니다. 이 앱은 이 데이터를 타사 서비스에 보낼 수도 있습니다. 사서함의 다른 항목은 읽거나 수정할 수 없습니다.

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