Popl Email Signature Add-In

Popl Co에 의해

Easily create, assign & manage your company’s email signatures via Popl - Digital Business Cards.

Improve your team's digital communication and stay on-brand with the Popl Email Signature Add-In, the most powerful email signature management solution in the world.

With the Popl Email Signature Add-In, you can create email signature templates via Popl Teams, then assign those signatures to any group or members of your team. Once assigned, members will be able to choose any of the Popl email signatures that you have assigned to them, ensuring your team's emails stay on-brand, with up to date business info.

Popl's digital business card based email signature management will provide 3 core benefits:

- Consistent design for all email signatures to showcase your brand and communicate key contact information

- Automatic QR code additions with digital business card information, making lead generation and connecting with customers as easy as a scan

- Seamless email signature management making it easier for IT departments to create and set team member's emails


Why Popl?

- Keep the company branding consistent across all emails with centralized management via digital business cards (Popl Teams)

- Save IT time and reduce employee headaches with our simple interface and automatic default signature updates.

- Make your emails a low-cost acquisition channel for marketing using member QR codes and custom signatures & banners.

Features include:

- Popl’s instant click to apply signature is easy to use for all members

- Distribute email signatures on Office 365 & Outlook with a single click

- Automatic QR codes added to all signatures for instant lead generation & CRM syncs

- Add banners, campaigns, and disclaimers to any email signatures

- Quick installation and deployment - Creation and deployment happens in a matter of minutes

- Easy auto-fill and update contact info in signatures via Popl Teams to keep everyone up-to-date

- Automated template suggestions based on your brand logo and colors

- Measure your team's email signature ROI at the team and individual level using our click and QR code scan insights via Popl Teams

Popl's easy-to-use interface, Office 365 integration, and customization make it the perfect choice for your business. 

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