Medxnote에 의해
Beep offers clinicians a better alternative to pagers and bleeps
Beep provides a better experience that pagers. Beep does this by replicating what pagers are good at on the Microsoft Teams platform. What are pagers good at? They allow a person to hold a role whilst they hold the pager. If the cardiologist on call is #1234, then everyone knows if they page 1234, it will be responded to by an on call cardiologist. They don't need to consult a diary or a rota to see who is on call at that time. Paging 1234 is enough.
Beep replicates this functionality using Microsoft Teams' tags. Importantly Beep allows you to send a message to a tag in another team. So, if you're in the A&E team, but not the Cardiology team, Beep allows you to beep the cardiologist on call. Beep improves on paging in two ways:
It's 'fire and forget'. Rather than paging 1234 and waiting for the on call cardiologist to call you back, you can send a full request to the cardiologist and track it through to completion.
With paging, you page them, wait, page again, wait. They call you back. Then they page you. Finally you talk and only then can you discuss the case in hand. This is very inefficient.
It brings the communication inside Microsoft Teams, improving information governance and clinical oversight.
**IMPORTANT:** Beep is a chargeable service and you must be a Medxnote customer to use the service. Contact to organize a demo. In order to use this app you need to have an active account with Medxnote.
In order to use this app. Users must have an active Beep, please contact for more details.
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