Water Cup

Daniel Szentimrey-Harrach에 의해

샘플 다운로드지침

Niche visual for infographics comparing items across up to 4 dimensions.

The Water Cup visual is a niche infographic element to visualize up to 4 dimensions per items for easier comparison. It's best used for use-cases where the 4 dimensions are interconnected: - The cup's height and width should indicate the limits of a certain data, e.g. revenues of a company from different sources - The water level within a cup should be a factor of the limits, e.g. profits as a percentage of the revenues - The color of the water (optional) can indicate qualities of this data, e.g. the company's financial health, etc. When applied to the right dataset, this type of visualization can be much more intuitive then bar or column charts, or even a scatter chart.

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