Text search slicer

DataBrothers s.r.o.에 의해

Microsoft PBI Certified
(18 등급)
샘플 다운로드지침

Customizable slicer that enables searching/filtering within one or more text categories.

Text search slicer was inspired by the need for broader customization options in Power BI report development. Users can now format font, padding, border, color, and text within the Format Pane. In addition, the slicer supports filtering on multiple category text fields via hitting ENTER or using the in-built search button. Slicer gets reset if the focus is lost and/or no filter was applied. When filtering multiple categories, additional buttons are shown. The filter is then applied based on highlighted buttons.

시각적 개체 기능

이 시각적 개체는 Power BI에 의해 인증됩니다.

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