CBCR Tax Risk Management Tool with OECD benchmarking

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CBCR Tax Risk Management Tool with OECD benchmarking

This Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR) Risk Assessment Tool combines Transfer Pricing and Power BI expertise to provide clients a stress test of the groups transfer pricing through interactive data visualizations that effectively highlight an MNE’s CbC risk, and enable the MNE to timely perform appropriate adjustments to its global CbCR risk profile.

The CbCR Risk Assessment Tool also allows Group to benchmark its own CbCR with recent OECD’s Anonymised & Aggregated CbCR data.

The tool analyzes an MNE’s CbCR positions based on the risk criteria identified by the OECD, as well as other relevant factors with AI features. This helps the MNE to understand where it might best focus its efforts to manage Transfer Pricing risk.

Built with Power BI, this report template is very interactive and user friendly. Installation process is simple, you just replace the sample CbCR data with your own CbCR data and you are ready to go.

This tool is using demo data in Excel file. Contact us should you wish to install the tool with your own data to assess the impact to your business. We are happy to help!

You can go here for more details,

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