Seconize DeRisk Center

Seconize Technologies Private Limited에 의해

Risk Based Vulnerability Management and Automated Compliance Management

DeRisk Center 

Most risk assessment products lack continuous assessment capabilities and fail to report in a format understandable to CXOs and board members. Along with this, firms spend up to 40% of their time on manual compliance procedures. 
Seconize's product- DeRisk Center solves all of this through its Automated Continous Risk assessment and Compliance Management capabilities. 

Risk-based Vulnerability Management:

    • Contextual risk assessment and relevant Business Impact – Conventional Vulnerability discovery lacks context, DeRisk Center factors multiple business facets allowing CISOs and CXO level execs to make faster decisions. 
    • Prioritized risk management – Identifies the top risks which when remediated brings down the overall risk to acceptable levels
    • Cost-Benefit Analysis – Optimizes Cybersecurity investments across people, process and technology; leads to improved RoI for the firm
    • Drastically reduces the meantime to detect Risk

Automated Compliance management 

    • Gap Assessment against major industry regulations like ISO-27001, HIPAA, NIST, PCI-DSS, GDPR, SOC2

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