Power BI Collaboration for Teams

pateikė Ataira

Send notifications from the Power BI Collaboration SharePoint add-in.

Keep your team updated with notifications on your Power BI dashboards, reports, documents, links and assigned actions in the Power BI Collaboration SharePoint add-in. After you have configured the connector you can send notifications from the SharePoint add-in to your Microsoft Teams channel, alerting your colleagues to changes. The notification contains a link to the Power BI item in SharePoint as well as comments and other useful information to take action. Helps your business intelligence team more tightly collaborate on your business intelligence efforts. This connector requires the Power BI Collaboration SharePoint add-in in the Microsoft Store.

Programų galimybės

Kai ši programa naudojama, ji
  • Gali siųsti duomenis internetu
  • Ši programa gali pasiekti aktyvaus pranešimo asmeninę informaciją, pvz., telefono numerius, pašto adresus arba URL. Programa gali siųsti šiuos duomenis trečiosios šalies paslaugai. Kitų jūsų pašto dėžutėje esančių elementų skaityti arba keisti negalima.

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