
pateikė William Wallace

(2 įvertinimai)

Monitor iOS App Store and Google Play mobile app reviews directly in Microsoft Teams

Get iOS App Store and Android Google Play customer reviews posted to your Microsoft Teams channel as soon as they happen. Unlimited apps, all countries, constantly streaming!

Reply to reviews with ease using the provided deep links to jump directly to App Store Connect or the Google Play Developer Console. Translate reviews from other languages with a single click.

Find out about critical user feedback and address it before it escalates and becomes a major hinderance to your business.

Analyze your competitor's reviews to find out what features are working and where they are lacking.

Filter by star rating and see only the reviews that you care about.

Join hundreds of other developers, product managers and stakeholders in getting the customer feedback that matters so that you can increase your star rating, downloads and revenue!

Programų galimybės

Kai ši programa naudojama, ji
  • Gali siųsti duomenis internetu
  • Ši programa gali pasiekti aktyvaus pranešimo asmeninę informaciją, pvz., telefono numerius, pašto adresus arba URL. Programa gali siųsti šiuos duomenis trečiosios šalies paslaugai. Kitų jūsų pašto dėžutėje esančių elementų skaityti arba keisti negalima.

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