Atlassian ChatOps


Create chats and meetings to collaborate on incidents.

Jira Service Management provides you with tools required to configure actionable alerts, manage on-call schedules and escalations, and orchestrate communication and collaboration for your team during the incident resolution process.

Atlassian ChatOps lets you connect Microsoft Teams with Jira Service Management, so you can create chats and meetings for your incidents, update incident details, take incident actions, and help your team step in faster during incidents.

Moreover, Atlassian ChatOps empowers you to:

1. Create chats and meetings in Microsoft Teams for incidents from Jira Service Management

2. Invite incident responders to the Microsoft Teams chat and meeting

3. View incident details from the Microsoft Teams chat

4. Take actions on the incident from the Microsoft Teams chat

In order to use this app, users must have an active Jira Service Management account, please contact our support team for any assistance:

Programų galimybės

Kai ši programa naudojama, ji
  • Gali siųsti duomenis internetu
  • Ši programa gali pasiekti aktyvaus pranešimo asmeninę informaciją, pvz., telefono numerius, pašto adresus arba URL. Programa gali siųsti šiuos duomenis trečiosios šalies paslaugai. Kitų jūsų pašto dėžutėje esančių elementų skaityti arba keisti negalima.

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