EZ Buttons for Microsoft Dynamics 365

izdevējs Azamba Consulting Group

Speed up routine tasks | Transform multiple steps into a single click

Speed up your team’s workflow and keep tasks on point!

Do you find yourself or your team doing common, routine tasks over and over again? Tedious tasks that need to be done but are an interruption – taking your time and attention away from the truly important things?

EZ Buttons are designed to streamline the steps involved to help your people take care of those tasks in the most efficient way possible so they can get back to the activities that need their attention and time.

Benefits Overview

EZ Buttons are configurable buttons that can be added to key areas within Dynamics and turn multi-step processes into fewer clicks. EZ Buttons will be used to streamline and expedite common, routine tasks to:

    • Increase productivity. Multi-step tasks will be shortened greatly and be less interruptive.
    • Accelerate responsiveness. Users can quickly move things forward with a single button click instead of manual follow-ups.
    • Drive CRM adoption. Users will see immediate benefit to removing burdensome and time-consuming tasks.

Product Description

EZ Buttons can be made available on the Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, and Cases forms within Dynamics 365. Buttons can be made available on select forms or on all forms and can be color-coded to create groupings of common functions.

Buttons can be configured to replicate certain Dynamics 365 functionality such as creating a child record, sending an email, creating tasks, and pre-fill data.

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