
izdevējs PEASI

(3 vērtējumi)

Receive workplace and public emergency alerts.

Stay aware and plan ahead with Alertable for Microsoft Teams. Alertable keeps you informed of emergencies and general, daily events in your community and workplace.

Severe weather and other disastrous events and hazards threaten our safety in Canada more than ever. Less severe events take place in our communities and workplaces on a day-to-day basis. Alertable notifies you about these events right inside of Microsoft Teams.

Key Features

• Get notified about critical and general, daily events in your community and workplace including floods, fires, outages, equipment failures, facility closures, health incidents, and more!

• Choose the locations and types of events you want to be informed about.

• Alert maps show the geographical area the alert is for.

• Informative emergency descriptions, impact areas and instructions keep you informed and help you remain safe.

Programmu iespējas

Kad šī programma tiek izmantota:
  • Tā var nosūtīt datus, izmantojot interneta savienojumu.
  • Šī programma var piekļūt aktīvajā ziņojumā iekļautajai personas informācijai, piemēram, tālruņa numuriem, pasta adresēm un vietrāžiem URL. Tā var nosūtīt šos datus trešās puses pakalpojumam. Citus vienumus jūsu pastkastē nevar lasīt un modificēt.
