Power Cloud Reporting

izdevējs Capital Business Solutions, LLC

Integrated Excel Reporting for Blackbaud FE NXT. Put the power of financial reporting back into the

Power Cloud Reporting is an integrated reporting tool combining the power of Microsoft Excel and Blackbaud's Financial Edge NXT. Real time reporting of your nonprofit's financial position with drilldown to source transactions give you the power to perform detailed analysis on your organization. Combining that with the additional power of Microsoft Excel's features such as formulas, formatting, charts, etc., Power Cloud Reporting puts the power back into your hands.

Power Cloud Reporting uses Blackbaud Api's to run reports. So only Blackbaud Users can use this Reporting tool.

Power Cloud Reporting has two user types - Power Users and View Users. Clients will be purchasing license for Total Number of Power Users and View Users. Power Cloud Reporting Administrator will activate their license and add their account administrator. Going forward Account Administrator will manage the account.

Programmu iespējas

Kad šī programma tiek izmantota:
  • Tā var lasīt dokumentu un veikt tajā izmaiņas.
  • Tā var nosūtīt datus, izmantojot interneta savienojumu.
