Litera Compare
izdevējs Litera Microsystems
Compare Word and PDF documents quickly, accurately and reliably.
Compare Word and PDF documents quickly, accurately, reliably on any computer or device running Microsoft Office 365.
Litera Compare accurately detects changes across any two Microsoft Word documents or PDF documents in seconds. This market-leading document comparison solution integrates into your working life, whether you’re working from a desktop, the cloud, or on the go, so you never miss a beat.
Changes can be displayed in an interactive browser-based viewer, saved as a static redline or output as a track change document which can be used to create the next version of your document.
Why Litera Compare?
The time it takes to manage revisions from multiple authors in multiple document formats can become a serious cost issue, not to mention error-prone when spotting changes by eye. With Litera Compare for Microsoft Office 365, you get:
• Instant Insight: Get a holistic analysis of every changed element within your document in a layout that is easy to understand.
• Streamlined Reviews: Eliminate manual comparisons and version creation with the power to quickly identify changes.
• Trusted Accuracy: Have confidence every change was captured, then accept or reject changes to create your next version.
The Litera Compare add-in is free to download but a Litera Compare Server license is required to be entitled to use the application. For more information, please contact
Programmu iespējas
- Tā var lasīt saturu jūsu dokumentā un atvērt tā failu.
- Tā var nosūtīt datus, izmantojot interneta savienojumu.