Direct2U Travel

izdevējs Direct Travel Inc.

View the itinerary for all your trips with Direct2U Travel.

**Direct2U Travel lets you view all your flight itineraries, hotel and rental car bookings right within your working environment, no need for any other app.**

Once you have booked your trip, Direct Travel delivers your itinerary to the Direct2U Travel Microsoft Teams app, no need to download or log in to another app, all your travel information is right there where you work. If there are any changes made to your trip they will automatically appear in the app and keep you updated.

In order to use this app you must have an active Direct2U Travel account. This will be the case if you have booked your travel through Direct Travel. If you log in to Microsoft Teams using the email address you used when booking your trips there will be no need to log in separately to Direct2U Travel. If not, you can log in with email address and password. If you already use the Direct2U Travel mobile app you can use the same credentials. If not, you can register your email address and password from the app.

If you are a travel booker you can also view the itineraries of trips you have booked for others.

Direct2U Travel for Microsoft Teams is not a booking app. Once you have booked your trip with Direct Travel your itinerary will be able to view on the Direct2U Travel Microsoft Teams app. New bookings or changes to booking must be undertaken directly with Direct Travel, you can find out which booking tools are available from [Direct Travel]( under tools or [contacting Direct Travel]( For application support please visit [Direct2U Travel Support](

Programmu iespējas

Kad šī programma tiek izmantota:
  • Tā var nosūtīt datus, izmantojot interneta savienojumu.
  • Šī programma var piekļūt aktīvajā ziņojumā iekļautajai personas informācijai, piemēram, tālruņa numuriem, pasta adresēm un vietrāžiem URL. Tā var nosūtīt šos datus trešās puses pakalpojumam. Citus vienumus jūsu pastkastē nevar lasīt un modificēt.
