Atos Market Execution Platform
izdevējs Atos International SAS
Market Execution Platform covering the field sales & service processes with multi-role capabilities
A new Azure-based Market Execution Platform covering the field sales & service processes with multi-role capabilities, offering top customer experience and optimized for future growth. Increasing service quality and customer-facing time & value-add activities by digitizing and automating error-prone manual and often paper-based processes with fast, secure, and reliable transfer of all captured data to back-end systems.
As addition to the Market Execution Platform Atos offers a Real-Time On-Device Object Recognition Engine for merchandising and in-store execution monitoring.
- Runs on any average mobile device
- Working offline (reducing data consumption)
- Recognizes various products/objects (trained / unknown)
- Simple onboarding of new SKUs, by utilization of self-learning techniques
- Immediate result availability with high accuracy
- Instant audit of recognition results on mobile, plus storage on backend
- Aids Framing complex scenes – Augmented Reality
The Real Time on Device Recognition Engine is available either as integral part of the Atos Market Execution Platform and as a Stand-Alone Component (SDK) which can be incorporated with third party applications.
Augmented Reality (AR) to convince more Points of Sales:
- An included AR feature can be used in discussions with potential new Point of Sales to jointly define…
- The best placement/location
- The best asset type, sizing and design (once more options are supported)
- Documentation incl. notes and the AR visualization can be sent directly to the new Point of Sales to confirm a new placement