av IntelePeer Cloud Communications LLC.
Streamline communications and enhance your productivity with SmartCommunicator.
Enable employee workflow automation and get more work done with IntelePeer’s SmartCommunicator app integrated into Microsoft Teams. Benefits:
• Increase Productivity: Execute essential business functions remotely
• Key Communication Integration: Includes Voice and Text messaging (SMS/MMS)
• Easy to Use Interface: Enhanced UI delivers a seamless experience
Note: We highly encourage you and your employees not to exchange any sensitive information, including but not limited to personal information (e.g., social security number, date of birth, addresses, etc.), payment information (credit card, debit card, bank information, etc.), health record information (patient records, lab results, etc.), and any other information that could comprise your company's and your customer's information. Please consult your cybersecurity and legal officer for more information on best industry practices.
- Kan sende data over Internett
- Denne appen får tilgang til personlige opplysninger i den aktive meldingen, for eksempel telefonnumre, postadresser eller nettadresser. Appen kan komme til å sende disse dataene til en tredjepartstjeneste. Andre elementer i postboksen din kan ikke leses eller endres.