Dedalus Healthcare Enterprise Content Management
Dealus ECM is a digital archive for paper or digital documents like patient files, HR or invoices
Paperless hospitals
Healthcare organizations nowadays still rely on a wide range of paper documents. These documents may have been brought in by a patient during a visit for instance, or the hospital may have created documents – such as external findings and reports – in the course of a patient’s treatment. Paper documents however take up space and their management may also raise a number of issues. Thanks to our solution, healthcare organizations will be able to scan, index and make documents directly available in the EMR through deep integration with HYDMedia. Our solution covers different scanning processes, from low-volume and decentralized processes to high-volume scanning by dedicated teams. Once they are available in HYDMedia, documents are externally made available to users in the electronic patient record.
Healthcare data amounts will increase continuously and must be efficiently managed. To avoid issues related to several IT solutions coexisting, we provide you with a single platform for all your data, which can handle documents and images, reports and letters, DICOM and NON-DICOM elements, and so on. Our platform can support different workflows, and acts as a single system giving all users within the hospital unified access to specialized applications, which they can use according to their needs. Our platform is easy to embed in hospital applications. It was designed based on several interoperability standards such as HL7, DICOM, IHE, FHIR and CDA. The eVNA platform fits a wide range of use cases and even goes beyond the boundaries of a single healthcare facility.
Any healthcare institution aims to increase its efficiency and profitability and aims to respond quickly to any changes in its business processes. Once digital workflow solutions are implemented as part of a system, they take over a significant amount of the original coordination and communication work. Employees are therefore relieved of such tasks and can focus on their actual tasks. HYDMedia can design, run and monitor workflows such as digital invoice processing, contract management and quality management. It is thus able to control complex, recurring work steps in a more structured and transparent way. This makes processes more secure and more efficient. HYDMedia workflows are based on the systematic approach of business process management (based on the BPMN 2.0 standard) and can capture, design and execute both automated and non-automated processes.
Legal archiving
Our solution can be used for securely archiving a wide range of data objects, in an audit-proof manner. All legal archiving features provided by our solution are developed in strict compliance with applicable regulations, which include the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and security standard ISO/IEC 27001 in the information security and data protection fields, as well as the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR). Our solution also complies entirely with norms ISO 14641-1 and IDW-PS-880/ISAE-3000, and in particular with requirements regarding audit security, traceability, integrity, authenticity and continuity which are the pillars of long-term digital archiving. Our solution fits needs related to long-term archiving with evidentiary value, as using a digital archiving solution helps ensure documents have not been modified, but also means that such documents can be used as evidence if a patient sues the healthcare institution.
Documentation hub
Our solution acts as a central documentation hub, specifically catered to healthcare needs, for sharing and distributing knowledge across a healthcare organization. The system helps manage patient data and maps information from any work area, in compliance with applicable legislation. The platform centralizes all documents from multiple systems and paper documents. The aim is to make as many documents as possible available to users: for instance, a clinician will have access to EMR documents but also to other documents. Thanks to strong links and integration within HYDMedia, users access documents without noticing they are using a separate solution – documents appear for a user as if they were in the master application (e.g., the EMR) whereas they are actually in HYDMedia. Our solution is available at different levels – for instance, within an institution, but also for a whole region.